Top 10 Poorest Countries in the WorldImage by jcomp on Freepik

Top 10 Poorest Countries in the World : The IMF’s World Economic Outlook April 2024 data, sourced from EY, provides an updated view on the poorest countries in the world by GDP per capita in PPP terms. Notably, Madagascar, the 10th poorest country, has an estimated GDP per capita four times greater than South Sudan, the poorest country globally. Here’s a detailed look of Top 10 Poorest Countries in the World.

Top 10 Poorest Countries in the World by GDP Per Capita

  1. South Sudan
    South Sudan holds the unfortunate title of the poorest country in the world with a projected GDP per capita of $455.157 in 2024. Since gaining independence in 2011, South Sudan has faced severe economic challenges.
  2. Burundi
    With a projected GDP per capita (PPP) of $915.879 in 2024, Burundi ranks as the second poorest country. This small, landlocked East African nation struggles with severe socio-economic issues and rapid population growth.
  3. Central African Republic
    The Central African Republic is the third poorest country globally, with an estimated GDP per capita of $1,122.641 for 2024. Despite being rich in natural resources, it remains one of the world’s most fragile states.
  4. Democratic Republic of the Congo
    The Democratic Republic of the Congo ranks fourth, with a projected GDP per capita (PPP) of $1,552.343 for 2024. Despite its wealth of natural resources, the population has not benefited proportionately from this abundance.
  5. Niger
    Niger, ranking fifth, has an estimated GDP per capita of $1,674.659 for 2024. Its economy is heavily reliant on agriculture, which constitutes 40% of its GDP, making it poorly diversified.
  6. Mozambique
    Mozambique is the sixth in the list of Top 10 Poorest Countries in the World with a projected GDP per capita (PPP) of $1,648.555 for 2024. A significant portion of its population resides and works in rural areas, making it highly vulnerable to economic instability.
  7. Malawi
    Malawi, seventh on the list, is projected to have a GDP per capita of $1,711.837 in 2024. Despite numerous economic reforms, it remains one of the poorest nations, heavily reliant on agriculture which employs over 80% of its population.
  8. Liberia
    Liberia, ranking eighth, has an estimated GDP per capita (PPP) of $1,882.432 for 2024. The country’s enduring poverty is attributed to prolonged civil conflicts and disease outbreaks such as Ebola.
  9. Yemen
    Yemen is expected to rank ninth in 2024 with a projected GDP per capita of $1,996.475. Historically one of the poorest countries in the Middle East and North Africa, Yemen’s economic situation has been exacerbated by ongoing conflict.
  10. Madagascar
    Madagascar, which was the ninth poorest country in 2023, is projected to be the tenth poorest in 2024 with a GDP per capita of $1,979.173. Despite its rich natural resources and unique biodiversity, Madagascar faces a persistently high poverty rate.

These projections highlight the severe economic challenges faced by these nations, underscoring the need for targeted international support and sustainable development strategies.

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